Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Current Connection #2

A recent article, written by Jill Reilly from entitled "Man Tattoos his Name Across his Girlfriend's Face - And They Only Met 24 Hours Earlier" published on February 4, 2013, describes a girl from Russia named Lesya that lets her boyfriend of only 24 hours tattoo his name across her face. This article gives details of what she was thinking at the time and how the couple met.

Reilly reports that this couple met in an online chat room and shortly later met in Moscow, Russia where they got married. Lesya has commented about the tattoo, saying "It's a symbol of our eternal devotion. I'd like him to tattoo every inch of my body." She has also now taken his last name and is learning to tattoo from him.

The man responsible for the tattoo's name is Ruslan Toumaniantz. Jill Reilly adds that,
"Mr. Toumaniantz's handiwork hit the headlines in 2009 after he tattooed 56 stars across an 18-year-old's face who then lied and accused him of inking her when she was asleep." The 18-year-old later confessed that she had lied because she was afraid of what her father would think.

Friends of Lesya's seem to fully support her decision of getting the tattoo. Many have praised her and commented on how beautiful she now looks. Ralf Bieler send his praises by saying, "You must be so happy that you can wear that tattoo. Enjoy it. It looks great." Another friend also told reporters, "Their plans for a life together include her learning to tattoo while she also gets the full-body ink that she’s always dreamed of and of course a family." Lesya has posted on her facebook page "All for Ruslan" next to a big pink heart.

This article blows my mind. Not only was her decision irrational, but also just plain immature and stupid. I cannot even fathom how a woman can seriously believe that she has fallen in love with this man 24 HOURS after they've met. How can she love someone she does not even know yet? Also, the fact that she let this man brand her, which would imply that he somehow owns her, like a piece of property! Marriage should be a symbol of devotion and should be sacred, this couple completely trampled that idea into the ground because they will most likely not last and she will regret her decisions when she actually grows up. The fact that they want to bring children into the world makes me wonder what kind of crazy brands they will want to put on them.

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